Our services
Our core competencies lie in the areas of consulting, research
and solutions in the field of sediment management. With our own as well as independent experts, we offer you a broad and competent range of consulting services in the development of feasibility studies as well as specific solution concepts.
Transverse structures interrupt the continuity of watercourses.
Therefore almost every dam is sooner or later affected by sedimentation.
In the tailwater, however, the sediment is absent. Many impoundments already have significant problems. Even plants that are still operational often have operational
Sedimentation comes insidiously. However, it can suddenly become very acute
and then lead to considerable limitations. The earlier sedimentation
sedimentation problems are addressed, the simpler and less expensive the solution usually is and the more leeway there is.
SedimentWorks delivers simple, environmentally friendly, sustainable and very
economical solutions, whether for hydropower, drinking water supply, flood control or irrigation systems. The process for continuous sediment transfer to restore sediment continuity in accordance with the Water Framework Directive (EUWRRL) is protected by patent in many countries.
Our range of services
- Sediment sampling – collection of disturbed and undisturbed samples with conventional and innovative methods, also over several meters of sediment depth
- Qualitative sediment characterization – sieve and slurry analyses, chemical analyses, ecotoxicological analyses
- Quantitative sediment analysis – reservoir survey, determination of sedimentation pattern, sediment volume determination, calculation of the catchment effect of the reservoir
- Development of sediment management concepts
- Practical implementation of solution concepts
- Development of concepts for sediment treatment and processing
- Research and development in the field of sedimentation and sediment management

Just get in touch with us. We offer advice, equipment and service on a scientifically sound basis at attractive conditions. Our solutions are environmentally friendly and sustainable.
We guarantee you recognizable results that have a positive impact on your water and your financial situation.
We also focus on the research of ecological effects, the analysis of morphological advantages and the optimization of sediment transport rates. The risk analysis of existing and projected barrages is one of our main activities.
SedimentWorks offers standardized and customized equipment and accessories for all sizes of sediment transfer in manual and fully automatic operation (“autonomous dredging”). Please contact us or our local representatives for selection of suitable models and accessories. Examples of equipment technology are shown below. All equipment is available with remote data transmission and program packages for evaluation. It is up to you to decide whether you are only interested in equipment or whether you would like SedimentWorks to handle the complete operation.
Type 101
Fully automatic working unit for continuous operation
Main technical data
- electric drive, protection by secondary circuit
- fully automatic operation, connection to power plant operation
- working depth 0,5 to 25 m
- sediment transfer capacity up to 200 m³/h
- transfer distance up to 1,000 m (can be extended as required)
- fits completely into 20′ container

Type 401
Manual implement
Main technical data
- electric or diesel drive
- manual or semi-automatic operation
- working depth up to 100 m
- sediment transfer capacity up to 600 m³/h
- transfer distance up to 1,500 m (can be extended as required)
- modular design for easy transport

Through its DB Marina division, Sediment Wokrs also offers the sale, rental and installation of floating docks in German-speaking countries.
SedimentWorks offers everything from consulting and individual parts to comprehensive full service, depending on your needs:
Initial consultation
Dealing with sediments can be a more complex issue than it first appears. We offer an initial consultation to narrow down key issues and agree on the scope required.
Sampling and sediment analysis
It is often useful to conduct analyses to determine sediment characteristics. We advise you whether and which analyses are useful and, if desired, also carry them out.
No one else can do this so quickly: In addition to the normal sampling procedures, we are probably the only company to offer undisturbed soft sediment sampling up to several meters in thickness, even with several meters of water cover. This makes it possible to distinguish possibly contaminated sediment layers from harmless ones and thus to reduce the costs of sediment solutions quite considerably. Of course, grading curve determinations and chemical analyses are also part of our repertoire.
Sediment measurement
Sediment volume, sediment thickness and other measured variables are important parameters, especially to prepare larger applications. Sediment Works offers you all services to perform surveys, mapping and planning.
Ecological and morphological accompaniment
We are able to offer, alone or with partners, an ecological and/or hydromorphological accompaniment of applications. On request, we analyze the impact on the reservoir, the watercourse section and the biosphere. Our technology usually leads to a considerable improvement of the ecological and morphological situation. In addition, it is particularly fish-friendly.
We offer a wide range of equipment and accessories in standardized or customized design for purchase, rent or application by us.
We are happy to offer all necessary installation and set-up work, also in cooperation with local partners.
If you do not want to carry out the operation yourself, we offer to take over the operation with our own or local personnel. If you want to carry out the operation yourself, we offer the training of your staff and professional advice.
Maintenance work
Independently of the order design, we also offer maintenance and servicing of the equipment.
Do you still miss something?
Please contact us and we will find a solution.
SedimentWorks offers everything from advice on individual parts to comprehensive full service, depending on your requirements:
Risk analysis of existing and projected barrages
Evaluation of the original dam volume
- Consideration of the original layout
Determination of the existing, operationally usable impoundment volume
- Reservoir volume lost due to sedimentation
- sedimentation and siltation rate
- Estimation of the possible operating time
Further analysis of risks
- possible consequences of blockage of a bottom outlet by sliding sediment
- Flood hazards due to reduction of retention areas in impounded areas
Our innovative process is internationally protected by a number of patents.
Depending on the circumstances, we are prepared to grant licenses. Please contact us. We offer attractive conditions. We are also open to cooperation models.
Legal notice:
The license fees for an unlicensed and therefore illegal application are 30 Euro/t of the transferred sediment quantity (storage condition). Unless proven otherwise, permanent operation of the facilities used is assumed at design conditions (15% sediment mass fraction in the conveyed stream) and a solids content of 40% in the storage condition. Please inquire for other conditions for licensed use.